Friday, February 18, 2011

I was a Bad Patient

This is my open letter to the Mister.  "I'm sorry.  I was a terrible patient"

Let me explain why I needed to apologize.   I recently had to undergo oral surgery.  On the scale of 1 - 10 (1 being a paper cut, 10 being a triple bypass) my oral surgery fell around a 5 in my opinion.  I was anaesthetized without needles, just some powder under the tongue.   That was cool.  But it gave me a false sense of lucidity during that time.  (Note to self for next time, do not update Facebook while going under).

Anyway, the Mister had to drive me there, wait around for a few hours, drive me home, put me to bed, help me to the bathroom, pick up my prescription, and take care of whatever I needed while I sleep of the anaesthesia.   During my hours of sleeping, half waking, half mumbling, one of the Mister's duties was make sure I take my med according to schedule.

Of course, I had to be difficult.  Not that I meant to be.  But, in my semi-state of consciousness, I wanted to know what kind of drugs the Mister was giving me.  I wasn't satisfy with his answer "this is what the doctor prescribed."  I wanted to know what it was for, why was I taking it, what was it going to do to me.  Everything someone who was not a doctor or a pharmacist would have no clue.  I did remember the Mister taking out his iPhone to look things up.  Oh, I'm sorry I made him do that.  What's worst, I threw a paper bag with the prescription across the room.  My tantrum at that time matched anything my little girl can muster.   The Mister had the wisdom to walk out and let me sleep it off/pass out.  He did come back later and I did take the meds as I'm suppose to.

In my defense, even in my most lucid state, I hate drugs.  I don't take aspirin or cold medicine or anything that I believe to only mask the symptoms.

In any case.  E: thanks for being patient with me, even though I was such a bad patient myself.


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