Monday, February 14, 2011

Ei Yuv Vu

That's my little girl's version of "I love you".

She's a 28 month old genius (that's what the Mister and I believe).  She can recite the entire alphabet, can count up to 30 without help, her current favorite number is 100.  She can say 'chocoloate please' (chocolat prease), 'thank you' (sank you), 'cat' (in both English and Chinese), 'daddy's cell phone', 'bowling movie' (bowling moosie, aka "King Pin"), among other phrases.

So, I started teaching her to say the three little words that mommies everywhere can't wait to hear, "I LOVE YOU".  I cuddled her close, looked straight into her sparkling eyes and said in my most sing-song voice, "say 'I Love You, Mommy'".  She looked right back into my eyes with a hint of mischief and said "Ei yuv vu, Mommy".  "No no", I said.  "I LOVE YOU".  Making sure that I ennuciated every word and making sure no hint of chinglish leaked through.  Again.  "Ei yuv vu", she replied.

Hmm..., I thought, how can she have difficulty making the sounds "I Love You"?  She was able to say "Jupiter" and "trapezoid" after hearing those words a few times.

Again I looked into her now smiling eyes.  "Honey, say 'I Love You'".  She stared right back at me with more mischief, "Ei yuv vu".  Wiggled free of my hug and ran off.

I turned to the Mister: "I think she's messing with me.  I think she knows that I want to hear it and she is refusing to say it correctly."

Can this 28 month old be so devious and cunning?  I guess.  She is our little genius.


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