Thursday, January 6, 2011

Energy draining

Why do I do this to myself? It's one of those things that I, probably many women, do to ourselves. It's nothing dramatic or harmful, but this hobby of mine definitely draining. It's not like I have much energy to drain after working in an office, commuting to said office, and spending time with my little girl. What am I talking about? Sad and sappy books.

Yes, books. I read religiously on my daily 45 minute train ride into NY. So I get through quite many books for someone who has a full-time job and an active toddler.  Instead of picking out fun entertaining book, I pick intense fares like Emma Donoghue's Room: A Novel.  I'm not going to reveal much about the book, but for a new mom with a young child, the book is chilling and scary.   Now I'm onto Nicholas Spark's Dear John.  It will probably end well, but it's definitely a tear jerker.  Granted, I haven't cried on the train yet, but there been times that I came very close.

Maybe the next one will be something light and fluffy.  I hear Snooki is a published author now.


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