Thursday, January 27, 2011

When I was your age.....

old ladyOkay, I'm not really that old to be allow to say that. As a working mom, living in the 'burbs, on the downside of the 30-something mountain, there are things that I use to do, but don't anymore. See, I work in a big NYC ad agency. The average age of the people sitting around my cubicle is probably 26. I overhear things. These things bring up memories, and my inside voice starts to say "When I was your age...."

1 - Bars
Then: I remember hitting a new bar every night after work. My goal was be a regular in my local watering hole and have at least one drink in a bar south of Union Square. I think I did that. I don't really remember. Side effect of drinking too much??
Now: I don't remember the last time I step foot in a bar. (more side effects??) Honestly, the last time I was in a bar was for dinner at the local bar and grill.

2 - Dating
Then: I had a healthy dating life. Had my share of heartaches and broken my share of hearts. Also had a goal of dating someone from every country Western Hemisphere. I think I got 3 or 4 down. Oh well.
Now: The Mister, end of story. He's of Russian decent and from Long Island. Maybe I can count that as 2 countries.

3 - Traveling
Then: Loading 5 friends in a rental mini-van, driving straight to Vail for a 5-day snowboarding trip. Piling 20+ people into a rental house in Lake Placid for Thanksgiving Ski Trip. Flying to London on a whim to crash at a friend's flat for New Years Eve. Trekking solo from Milan to Samos (small Greek island) for a week-long sailing trip.
Now: Vacation? what vacation? Flying with a baby and everything that goes with it?? You must be joking. Taking the baby and the in-laws to a beach rental in Maine for a week is closest thing to a vacation in the last 2 years.

4 - Living arrangements
Then: Lucky to not have to deal with roommates. But had a Manhattan apartment the size of a closet. Only used it for sleeping and cleaning up.
Now: Mortgage, property taxes, school quality, resell value, fancy kitchen, keeping up with the Joneses. At least I can fit 2 of my old apartments in my kitchen now.

All you city-dwelling young'ens. Enjoy your twenties coz your thirties will catch up with you. Your baby will guide your decisions, not just you.
