Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pottie Training - Nah

There are certain milestones that every child will reach; solid foods, first word, first steps, saying bye-bye to diapers. My little girl is at the stage where pottie training is the next milestone on the agenda. So far, she still prefer the Pampers. She knows what a toilet is. She tells me that "brown poop going down there". But, she's not using it.

I don't blame her, it's me. I'm not very enthusiastic about getting her pottie trained. I kinda like the convenience of the diaper. Case in point. Our little family took a long weekend trip to Washington DC. The drive was about 5 hours each way. We only had to stop once because I needed to go to the bathroom. My girl was content sitting in her seat looking at the passing scenery or playing with her iPhone. We didn't have to succumb to her nature-call requests. And, on our hours long tours of the museums and monuments in DC, we didn't have to hunt for bathrooms or worry that she will wet herself. It is just so easy.

I know, I know. She and I will have to transition out of the diaper. I am not in too much of a rush. I promise that she will not be wearing a diaper when she starts high school.


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