Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tech Toys, I Love Them

I have to confess, I love gadgets. It's a different type of love than what I have for my little girl and the Mister. Gadget love is not reciprocal but, I know it's love. I go to bed with one. I can't leave the house without one. Most of the time, I even have one with me in the bathroom. The only place that I'm not attached to some kind of gadget would be in the shower. That will change whenever things are are water proof.

Some examples of the technologies and gadgets I love:

Kindle: Ever since the Kindle and the Kindle app came along, I've read more books in the last year then the 5 years before that. The simplicity and the portability of having something so easy to use.

iPad: I do everything on this little awesome invention. I read, I watch TV, movies, photos, communicate, what do I not do with it? Not much. This is the little electronic lover that I bring with me to bed, the train, the bus, and the toilet.

HTC Aria: That's correct, not an iPhone. It's the Android platform. The phone itself is just more compact and a bit more geek. The Android platform has simpler multi-tasking. I suspect my beloved iPad will have a challenger soon.

Another of my new love is the OverDrive app. It's an app that hooks up with many public libraries. I can use it to read, checkout ebooks from my local library. It's saving me quite a bit of money.

And I just connected a wireless keyboard to the iPad via bluetooth. Now, I can type as fast as I want and not worry about getting good with touch typing. And, I get the entire iPad screen back.

Gadgets, I love you.


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