Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary wins NH

Barely. As of 11:30PM, Hillary Clinton is the winner of the Democratic primary in NH. I'm a bit surprised. Obama won Iowa, and he was expected to take NH too. Although I'm not a dem and I still haven't made up my mind, but I really don't like Hillary. I'm not sure if I'm for Barak, since I've been leaning GOP since I started voting. But, the GOP candidates are very lacking. A Mormon plastic doll, Evangelical who believes in Creationism, a Big City mayor that only have one platform, and a man who will be the oldest president to be sworn in if he wins. Not much of a choice for me.

Hillary's tears probably did help. I know women react to stress differently than men. I've welled up myself under stress in my professional life. But, can a president cry under stress? Well, whoever decided that Hillary should pull the crying card is a genius. Personally, I feel betrayed as a woman if the crying was just a ploy.


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