Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cheat Neutral

The concept, if or when you cheat on your significant other, you log onto www.cheatneutral.com. Pay them a small fee so that they can give that fee to other non-cheating couples to continue not to cheat. This way, your wandering libido can help other faithful couples to continue to be faithful. And you can offset your guilt with just a small fee.

Okay, I found out after watching the first 3 minutes of the clip that this site doesn't exist. It's a project to convince the British government and the British masses that the concept of carbon offset is just as non-sensible as cheat neutral.

For those who feel guilty of driving the big SUV and not recycling, and want to do something. There are companies that will take your money and promise to plant trees in Third World countries so that you are absolved of the guilt. The entire monetary transfer scheme can be remove if you just not drive the SUV and recycle.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Putrid MetroNorth

After moving out to the 'burbs from Manhattan, I'm glad to not have to deal with the NY Subway. Taking the MetroNorth for my daily completely and totally label me to be an adult. No more staying out late and just hopping on a cab and be home in less than 20 minutes, as long as I don't get off the island of Manhattan.

The MetroNorth on most days are fine. I get a seat 99% of the time. The people on the train don't usually look like that just escaped from Bellvue. The trains are usually clean and comfortable. Since the train have the toilets on select cars, some of those cars can get stinky from the patrons taking advantage of the convenience. But, today, the train ride home was just horrible. Less than half way into the ride, the entire car started to smelled like someone has just released himself 2 seats away from me. Even though I was seated at the opposite end of the car, the smell was terrible.

As the ride continued, the smell got worst. By the time I stood up to disembark the train, the stench was unbearable. I had to hold my breath to walk pass the toilet. My recommendation to the MTA, please clean the toilets. My monthly ticket cost $300+. With so many commuters paying such high price, spend some of that on the stinky toilet. And my suggestion to the riders who would do Number 1 and Number 2 on the train, please try to do them before you get on the train. Some people have to waft in your putrid scent for a very long ride home.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

$102 a Night

"Man must pay $750K to Spurned Husband" says the headline. (story). The gist of the story is, a Mississippi millionaire business man, Jerry Fitch, must pay the husband of the woman whom he stole away. The price tag, $750K. That amount probably won't make much of a dent in his bank account. Jerry Fitch probably loves her very much to pay that. I also don't question the spurned husband's action to seek revenge. The arcane law that allow a husband to claim monetary compensation for lost of a wife makes me ill. But, what really irk me is the price.

The law that allow this suit to stand is "alienation of affection". In other words, she stopped having sex with the husband, and she's giving it to another man. Now, let's calculate what that $750K means. Looking at the picture, she looks like she's around 40 years old. Jerry Fitch looks to be around 60+. Let me be kind and assume that both of them have 20 good years of sexual life left in them.

20 years = 7300 days

$750K / 7300 days = $102/day

So, assuming that she can have sex everyday for the next 20 years of her life, her performance is worth $102 a day. Not questioning her endurances or her skills, $102 a night is a bit low. If I'm being treated like an property and my worth is calculated by my "affection", I know my "affection" is worth more than $102 a night.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary wins NH

Barely. As of 11:30PM, Hillary Clinton is the winner of the Democratic primary in NH. I'm a bit surprised. Obama won Iowa, and he was expected to take NH too. Although I'm not a dem and I still haven't made up my mind, but I really don't like Hillary. I'm not sure if I'm for Barak, since I've been leaning GOP since I started voting. But, the GOP candidates are very lacking. A Mormon plastic doll, Evangelical who believes in Creationism, a Big City mayor that only have one platform, and a man who will be the oldest president to be sworn in if he wins. Not much of a choice for me.

Hillary's tears probably did help. I know women react to stress differently than men. I've welled up myself under stress in my professional life. But, can a president cry under stress? Well, whoever decided that Hillary should pull the crying card is a genius. Personally, I feel betrayed as a woman if the crying was just a ploy.
