Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Time Out - Lost in Translation

Supernanny is not going to approve.  The little girl has officially entered her terrible 2'.   Screaming, kicking, yada yada, the usual.  We (I) watched enough of the Supernanny to know, time out is a great way to nib the problem in the bud.  After putting her at the time out corner several times, toddler-tantrum still rares its ugly head.

Now, I tell her, "stop doing XYZ, or you'll go to time out.  Do you want a time out?"  Her answer, "Yes!".  She wants a time out.  Or at least she answers positively to being sent to the "bad girl corner".  So, I comply.  "Bad girl corner" she goes.  Of course, she cries until she had enough.  Just like Supernanny, I go over, gives her a hug and explains to her why she was sent to time out.  She apologizes.  Time out over.

I'm not sure she understands what time out means.  Maybe in her mind, time-out means, I sit at the corner, then mommy give me hugs.  Need to get it in her little thick skull, I sit at the corner because I did something bad.


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