Thursday, August 14, 2008

I can have sugar

I'm relieved to get the call from my doctor this week.  My GCT (glucose challenge test) came back elevated, the nurse told me over the phone.  And, I'm slightly anemic, she said.  Okay, 2 possible non-normal incidents.  I have to start a iron supplement for the low blood count.  As for the elevated glucose count, I needed to take the 3 hour long GTT (glucse tolerance test). 

The 3 hour long GTT was boring.  I gave a blood sample early in the day after fasting from midnight the night before.  I swig down the glucose water as instructed.  I sat and waited for an hour until the next sample was collected.  I sat and waited for another hour for the next sample collection.   3 hours, I sat and waited.  4 samples altogether. 

My doctors nurse called me the day after and told me that the GTT result came back normal.  Phew.  I don't have to worry about that non-normal incidents.

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