Tuesday, July 8, 2008


First, WALL-E is awesome.  I made Evan go see WALL-E with me on the first day the movie came out.  I read some very good reviews before we went.  I was still amazed at how well done and how much fun the movie was.  We walked out of the movie completely in love with WALL-E.

The next weekend, I insist that we go again.  I know... A bit much.  But I really loved the movie.  WALL-E made me think about love, relationship, excess consumerism, global warming... the usual big stuff.  After I watched WALL-E, I feel so lucky to have Evan to hold hands with every day.  And to have him by my side and be my companion.

I recommend that everyone go see WALL-E.  No one will be disapointed.


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