Thursday, May 15, 2008

China's earthquake

The devastating earthquake in China's Sichuan provence occurred 3 days ago. All the major news outlets in the US and England reported the chaos and pain that befalled the people in my native country. I don't consider myself a chinese national anymore. I'm an American from China. The American part of me comes before the Chinese part. But reading, hearing, and seeing the sadness that blanketed the faces of people who look so much like me made the pain feel more real.

And today, I heard an NPR podcast about the mother and father who deperately searched for the 2-year old toddler that brought tears to my eye. I can hear her plead in a language that I was borned with. When the parents found that dead body of their little boy, the pain in their voices were tangible. No translator could have conveyed the same pain than hearing it myself and understanding every word in the mother's cry.

I wish all my distant kins hope and strength to live past this devastation.


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