Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Children and Parents


Evan and I attended the first birthday for the son of our good friends, Myhong and Man. The party was attended by many of my friends whom I've known since high school. I haven't seen many of them in ages and it was great to see all of them again. I also haven't seen many of their children. Seems like everyone came with a baby. I, being a few months pregnant, am definitely the "newbie" in the crowd.

Looking across the room filled with people that I've known for nearly half of my life was revealing. I remember the teenage us, what school will we attend? The college us, we were unsure of our future but full of aspirations. The young professional us; the world was in ours to explore. Now, the parent us. Strollers replaced the ever-present backpacks 15 years ago. Small bundles of young lives absorbed our attention instead of the latest movie, bar, or restaurant. Our lives evolved. My pregnancy made me feel part of this evolution instead of wanting to "stay young" forever.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Super-sized in Wal-Mart

Now that I'm barely fitting into my old cloths, we drove to our local Wal-Mart to see what I can find to fit my new ballooning body. Since I figured that I won't need anything too fancy for maternity cloths, I figure Wal-Mart quality should suffice.

Others have recommended that I look for maternity stuff that's labeled with my pre-pregnancy size. So, we went into the giant Wal-Mart, distracted by the kaleidoscope of stuff for sale, like usual. Finally, after about 15 minutes of roaming through the aisles, we found it. Several large racks stood under the sign "Maternity". I started going through the rack, I was completely shocked. Nothing was smaller than a size 10 or L (large). After going through 3 or 4 racks, I gave up. I was not going find anything for me in Wal-Mart. I'll probably have have to pay an arm and a leg for cloths that I will only wear for 6 months.

My search ended on a positive note. Not in Wal-Mart. There is a Motherhood maternity store in our local mall. I bought 3 slacks, 5 shirts for less than $150. Not bad.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

China's earthquake

The devastating earthquake in China's Sichuan provence occurred 3 days ago. All the major news outlets in the US and England reported the chaos and pain that befalled the people in my native country. I don't consider myself a chinese national anymore. I'm an American from China. The American part of me comes before the Chinese part. But reading, hearing, and seeing the sadness that blanketed the faces of people who look so much like me made the pain feel more real.

And today, I heard an NPR podcast about the mother and father who deperately searched for the 2-year old toddler that brought tears to my eye. I can hear her plead in a language that I was borned with. When the parents found that dead body of their little boy, the pain in their voices were tangible. No translator could have conveyed the same pain than hearing it myself and understanding every word in the mother's cry.

I wish all my distant kins hope and strength to live past this devastation.


Pregnancy oddities

I have researched and read on dozens of websites and pregnancy books about things to expect when pregnant. I've read about icky stuff that happens to a pregnant woman that she has no conrol over. Heartburn, flatulance, queaziness, food aversions, etc. etc. However, I have yet to read anything as disgusting as what has happened to me twice already.

Uncontrolled urination. Yes. I've peed on myself accidently, twice! So far. That's right, so far. I have no doubt that I will pee on myself more times to come. Both times happened the same way.

Since my second trimester, I learned to empty my bladder before leaving work. Since my commute home is pretty long and the MetroNorth train bathrooms are pretty disgusting, I don't want to have to use their facitlies if I don't have to. I'm usually good until I get home. So, as I got off the train to walk to the car, I had to cough. As I approached the car, I let out a hearty cough, next thing I know, I felt wetness half way down my thigh. I looked down, my beige pants had 2 thin streams of water running down my thigh. I was horrified. How can it happen so quickly? The pee didn't trickle. It shot out of me, straight through my underwear, and went half way down my leg. The second time happened the same way, just 5 days later. Instead of a cough, it was a sneeze. But the resulting stream went just as far. My only consolation was that the car was only about 20 feet away and I can seek refuge in there without people knowing I peed on myself.
