Friday, August 5, 2011

Potty Mouth in Wal-Mart

I blame it all on the Mister.  Four letter words rolls off his tongue much freely when the little girl is around him.  I know he doesn't mean it, but it happened enough times for her to pick up "oh sh*t!".  She even uses it in the right context, such as when things aren't going her way or when she bangs her knee on something.  I subscribe to the concept that if she says it, I won't comment on it and she will eventually forget and will find another way to express her feelings.

But, I still can't get over the hilarious but embarrassing "oh sh*t!" moment in our local Wal-Mart.  The Mister and I took the little girl for an errand run that included trips to Home Depot, A&P, and Wal-Mart.  By the time we got to Wal-Mart, she was pretty mellow but definitely getting tired.  The adults were also getting a bit tired too.  So, we walked in, found the nearest shopping cart, and put her in the child seat, a bit too roughly I guess.  She lets out a louder than normal "Oh Sh*t!".  She's not done.  Before we registered what was happening, she let out at least 3 more " Oh Sh*t!"s.  Each louder than the last.  Oh the looks we got!  I had no clue what to do except to push the cart as fast as I can without calling more attention to ourselves.

Now, our goal is slowly get those words out of her vocabulary.  Her new form of exclamation is "Oh Man!"  I'm hoping that will stick and replace the less acceptable word.


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