Wednesday, June 4, 2008

32 oz and hold

Who's bright idea is it that a pregnant woman has to drink 32 oz of water in one hour and not allow to pee. Today is our second trimester sonogram. The instruction given to me was, "empty bladder at 8am, drink 4 8 oz glasses of water by 9am, the technician will do the sonogram at 10am."

It's 9am now, I'm a few ounces shy of the 32 oz. The only thoughts in my mind are can I go pee and get away with it? Will the technician know that I cheated. Will peeing screw everything up? I think I'm leaking. And I seriously think that I'm going to pee all over myself on the way to the doctor's office.

With all these great medical technology and inventions, why can't someone figure out a way to do this sonogram without the modern day water torture.

2 hours later.....

Okay, I cheated. I couldn't hold the 32 ounces of water for 2 hours. I had to go. I drank more water after I peed to make up for the fluid that I let out.  Then, half an hour later, I had to peed again.  But, the technician didn't notice anything. I wasn't busted.  Everything worked.  I really wonder why I had to go through this painful ritual.


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