Thursday, June 19, 2008

She Kicks

I felt it.  I'm pretty sure I did.  When I lied down for bed last night, I felt a strange bubble in the lower abdomin.  The bubble moved from the right to the left side of my stomach.  I knew, I have been expecting it.  My little girl is moving inside me.  Now that I'm aware of it, she kept me up late, way past my normal bed time.  And I'm pretty sure that her little movement woke me at 5 in the morning.  Not something I do.  Well, I guess this is just another part of my life that have and will change with having a baby.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Martha's Vineyard


All the pregnancy guide books and website recommend that a romantic getaway is a perfect escape during the 2nd trimester.  Since we always took a summer vacation, we weren't going to skip it this year.  However, we didn't want to spend too much money nor fly anywhere.  So we picked Martha's Vineyard.  It's closed enough that we can drive to and far enough to feel that we were away.

The drive from our house to Woods Hole ferry took about 5 hours because we stopped at Mystic, CT.  I wanted to stop at Mystic Pizza to get a slice of heaven.  Yes, it was from the cheesy Julia Robert movie.  Mystic was very cute, the pizza was nothing special.  Many NY pizzas I had were better.

We decide not to take our car to Martha's Vineyard since most of the tour guides I read said that it's not necessary if we were not going to stay on the island for too many days.  And our Bed & Breakfast was only only about 200 yards away from the ferry dock.  So, we went car-less.

The B&B (Capricorn House) was very nice.  It was right across the street from the town beach at Oaks Bluff.  Our room and balcony had the best view of the ocean.   The B&B was very clean, comfortable, and definitely very romantic.  However, the room didn't have our usual distractions, no TV and no Internet.  We actually spent time together without interruption.  We even spent time reading our books.

We rented a moped to see the island.   The moped was a simple machine, but it was regulated to go no faster than 30 mph on flat ground.  It barely hits 10 mph going up a hill.  We actually reached 60 mph on a long and steep hill.  Evan called it the death-trap.  He didn't like the fact that every vehicle on the road passed us.  Stopping and going were unsteady.  Evan did not like the thing.  Instead of recreating scenes from the Roman Holiday, we looked more like the scenes from Dumb and Dumber.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's a Girl!

Our little nugget is a GIRL! The technician who performed the sonogram told us that she saw "girl parts". She seemed very confident that whatever she saw in the sonogram indicates that our little growing nugget is a girl. Now, we can start picking out little girl names and Evan is dreaming of the cute little girl that he will pamper and adore.

We got more sonogram printouts. The technician pointed out her spinal column, thigh bone, heart beat, etc to us. It was amazing to see our adorable creation develop so fast. We were even lucky to see her hiccup, at least we saw her mouth moved. However, the sonogram printout makes her head looked just like a skull. The technician assured us that it is normal. The baby will fill in and she will not look like Skeletor from He-Man.



32 oz and hold

Who's bright idea is it that a pregnant woman has to drink 32 oz of water in one hour and not allow to pee. Today is our second trimester sonogram. The instruction given to me was, "empty bladder at 8am, drink 4 8 oz glasses of water by 9am, the technician will do the sonogram at 10am."

It's 9am now, I'm a few ounces shy of the 32 oz. The only thoughts in my mind are can I go pee and get away with it? Will the technician know that I cheated. Will peeing screw everything up? I think I'm leaking. And I seriously think that I'm going to pee all over myself on the way to the doctor's office.

With all these great medical technology and inventions, why can't someone figure out a way to do this sonogram without the modern day water torture.

2 hours later.....

Okay, I cheated. I couldn't hold the 32 ounces of water for 2 hours. I had to go. I drank more water after I peed to make up for the fluid that I let out.  Then, half an hour later, I had to peed again.  But, the technician didn't notice anything. I wasn't busted.  Everything worked.  I really wonder why I had to go through this painful ritual.
